Submit your document for proofreading here!
Important points to know before submitting:
- Please note costs and word limits for specific turnaround times.
- "Business days" means Monday to Friday. Please note this with respect to turnaround times.
- The final cost will be calculated following submission, not using the instant quote calculator from the home page. You will receive an invoice
stating the final cost via email.
- Payment must be made before work commences.
- The turnaround time will be calculated based on the time and day that payment is received. As soon as you receive the invoice for payment we recommend
that you pay to ensure proofreading work begins promptly.
- The expected return date for your proofread document will be sent via email once payment is confirmed.
- Payment should be made via bank transfer using the details given on the email invoice.
- Please submit in one of the following file formats: .doc, .docx, .odp, .odt, .ods, .pdf, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx.
If you're unsure about any submission requirements, please see FAQs.